Thursday, July 18, 2013

28-Years-Old: A Super Boring Update Because Life Has Just Been Normal and Great

Well, that three-times-a-week blogging thing didn't happen yet!  Oops!   Life has just been fun-but-relaxing, so I haven't really had much to say, I suppose?  Not much good blog fodder lately.  Ah well, here's what's been up with me lately.

Last Sunday (July 14) I turned 28-years-old.  Yes, I'm crawling towards the big 3-0.  Unlike when I turned 27 and felt a bit funny about it, this year I felt fantastic on my birthday.  I have SO MUCH to look forward to at age 28.  We will get our house, we will get married, AND that permanent teaching thing!  WOO!  28 is fabulous and it has just begun!

I celebrated turning 28 a few ways.  On Friday the 12th, we went out for dinner with Quin, Mac, Dr. McVet, and Rick.  Quin and Mac treated me, which was very nice!  We went back to their house for a bit after, and just happened upon "Sharknado" on TV.  I don't even... well. It was quite the film.  Even the movie poster just says the tagline, "Enough said!".  They don't even know what to say about it!

On the Saturday before my birthday, Mr. Lock and I visited my parents and had a BBQ at their place (they have a pool, it is heaven).  Talk about gorgeous weather!  It was a perfect weekend to be outside.

On my actual birthday, we went downtown with the Sitcom Group of Friends and saw our good friend, Tobey, perform in the Toronto Fringe Festival.  He's a part of an improv troupe, and they performed all week at the Fringe.  Very cool.  Their show, called "Tomes", was hilarious.  Essentially, they have a box of nerdy, fantasy novels that none of the performers has ever read.  They have an audience member choose one of the books, then they look at the title, front cover, and read the blurb on the back cover.  Then, they improv the story based only on that information.  It's pretty fantastic.  Mr. Lock and I stayed downtown afterwards for awhile because the weather was gorgeous, we walked around and then had dinner, and then a quick visit with his brother and sister-in-law.

Then life at 28 began.  I went up to my parents' place on Monday for a swim and dinner visit, because the weather was so beautiful.  I love having full use of a backyard pool in the summers.   They only put in the pool six years ago, it was a fantastic investment if I do say so myself.  I'll be even happier next summer when I only live five minutes away, rather than half-an-hour like now!  Tuesday night Mr. Lock and I were back in Toronto, having dinner and drinks with friends of his.  Wednesday I was hanging out at home, cleaned my condo some, avoided the sweltering heat outside.

I'm really taking it easy this summer.  I'm enjoying spending time with friends and family and just relaxing and enjoying the sun.  This weekend we have a wedding to go to for one of Mr. Lock's friends from elementary school, so that will be a nice reunion for him.  I'm enjoying taking each summer weekend as it comes, and I'm trying not to rush the summer away.  I'm also reading like crazy, I've finished three books this summer so far!

Now it's time for some lunch, and then I'm off to see my family again!  Reading by the pool if the weather holds up and there's no rain yet... ahh, so lovely!


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When asking yourself, "Comment or don't comment?" the answer is ALWAYS COMMENT! C'mon, you know you want to.