Monday, July 18, 2011

Mid-July Rambling

I cannot believe it is the middle, nearing the end of, July already.  July 18th!  Already?! 

July has been a BUSY month for me.   I thought JUNE was busy, but man!  WOW!  I am actually getting eager for August, simply because I think I'll have a bit of time to BREATHE.  It's my own fault, because I'm taking two online courses this month, they are only four weeks long and have about 12 assignments EACH.  So, they're a bit much, combined with all of the FUN summer activities I'm doing with my friends and boyfriend, and with the fact that I'm working four days a week as a nanny (compared to some teachers who might be taking these rapid courses, but who are also simply taking the summer off from other work).

This past weekend, following my birthday celebration, Mr. Lock and I (along with Quin and Mac) helped Dr. McVet and her fiance move into their new home, their first place together "just them" with no other roomates.  They're getting married in September, so this was just another step before the big wedding day comes along.  Their place is so cute, and I'm excited to see it again when they're all set up. 

Speaking of their wedding, and weddings in general, July will CONTINUE to be busy this upcoming weekend.  I've got Dr. McVet's bachelorette party on Friday night, Mr. Lock's brother's wedding on Saturday, and then a wedding shower for Dr. McVet on Sunday afternoon (hosted at my mom's house).  NEXT weekend, I've got a wedding to go to for a very good friend and teaching colleague of mine.  Then, Mr. Lock and I are off to New York City for the first few days of August, followed by a trip to a cottage his parents rent every year.  Plus, you know, those two online courses as previously mentioned.

I'm enjoying everything I do, but time is just flying by!  A month from now I'll be just about ready to set up my classroom for the next school year.  Thinking back, I forgot to update about how my job interview went.  It was great, I have another long-term assignment but it goes for the entire school year.  I'll be teaching Grade Two, and I'll have a bunch of my former Grade One students from last school year, which is exciting.  There are a lot of parents I've made nice connections with, I think they'll be happy to see me as their child's teacher again this fall!  I'm actually very eager to get back to school, since I love my job so much.

But for now, there's this last bit of Busy July to get through, THEN I can think about teaching again.

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When asking yourself, "Comment or don't comment?" the answer is ALWAYS COMMENT! C'mon, you know you want to.